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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Builders demand clarification ...(..!..?)

Ramnadi, August5, 2007:

The PBAP, (The Promoters and Builders Association of Pune),
demanded that the PMC, (Pune Municipal Corporation),
and the collectorate,(Prabhakar Deshmukh, District Collector)
issued a clarification,
after verification of course,
in all such cases
("Paranjape Developers, D.S. Kulkarni, Mantri Constructions, Kumar Builders, Avinash Bhosale’s Abhijit Constructions, Tejas Developers, and Shivshailam Developers, and others..."..?..!),
where it is established that the developers had carried out the work
as per the sanctions and approvals from various authorities. Builders demand clarification-Pune-Cities-The Times of India.

Ramnadi, August4, 2007:

"..the developers had extended their plot areas
by the filling up the river bed with rubble or soil..
Encroachments in river beds cannot be allowed
and these need to be removed..
“We will verify what maps (layouts of the projects)
were presented to us by the developers while seeking permission and what their affidavits say,” Prabhakar Deshmukh, District Collector, said.DC releases list of Ramnadi encroachments

Background:Please read:

Ramnadi, July 2007 to November 2003:

pune real estate

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